Thursday, May 8, 2008

Web 2.0 and Web 3.0...

I was searching YouTube recently to see if I could find anything regarding web 2.0. Of course I was not disappointed. I found a video of Tim O'Reilly (who I made reference to in my web 1.0 vs web 2.0 blog) standing there and talking about his view on Web 2.0.

I also found another regarding web 3.0 (from Eric Schmidt). Again, i thought it was quite interesting.

1 comment:

Katie Adkins said...

Hi Elyse,

During my research into Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, I also performed a search using YouTube to find some interesting examples or information. Tim O'Reilly talk regarding his view on Web 2.0 is fascinating. It's really interesting to hear what he has to say about Web 2.0. I prefer O'Reilly's discussion as opposed to Eric Schmidt, however, he is quite interesting.

Do you remember Web 1.0? Not long ago, web 1.0 was all about reading, companies, client-severs, HTML, home pages, taxonomies, portals, wires, ownership control, IPOs, Netscape, web forms, screen scraping, dial-up connections and hardware costs (Cong and Du 2007, 7; O’Reilly 2006; Treese 2006, 15). Web 2.0 contrasts its predecessor nowadays by being all about writing, communities, peer-to-peer relationships, social networking, blogs, XML, RSS, tags, wireless, sharing, trade sales, Google, web application, APIs, broadband and bandwidth costs (Cong and Du 2007, 8; Treese 2006, 15; O’Reilly 2006).

Collaboration and produsage is a feature of web 2.0 and will continue to be a prominent feature of web 3.0 in the future. Due to the increasing popularity and number of online communities, will offline communities completely disappear in the future? In my opinion, online communities will never fully acquire the personal, emotional and physical intimacies which are features of offline communities, however, several online communities are trying to close the gap. Looking forward to the future of Web 3.0!